Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Slacker....thats me!

Ok, so I have been a major slacker in blogging, I realize this, and I'm sorry!

A lot has happened since the last post, my belly is getting a lot bigger, I flew across the country, and back, and some other fun stuff. (I'll post pictures later!)

My mom and I went to California to see Liz (my middle sister). She left us about a year ago to go to San Diego to become a Doctor or something like that....I'm still a little bit bitter that she decided to leave the land of humidity and mosquitos for the lovely 70 degree everyday, beautiful scenery of San Diego. I still love her though! We had a lot of fun exploring the beautiful landscapes of cliffs that overlook the ocean, the surfers, the houses, Ikea, Lowe's (well the last two are things you can do just about anywhere!). I also had my first experience with In and Out Burger...yum! We got a cat for Liz, that she later named Diego (his name was Mike, but we decided that Mike was just not right for him). Diego is going to be a fun cat for Liz, he is so affectionate and curious, I'm sure there will be many, many Diego stories to come!

We also got a peek at baby Myles while we were there. It was awesome having Liz do an ultrasound. The little guy was kicking, and moving his hands, opening his mouth and all kinds of fun stuff! It was an awesome experience, and we also got to confirm that he is in fact a boy!

While I was gone, Josh put up Myles's crib and started getting his room together. It was so awesome to see it when I got back!

The next weekend we went to hypnobirthing classes. Hypnobirthing marries hypnotherapy and child birth preparation classes. We practice relaxation techniques just about every night to prepare for the big day...birthing day, we just shy of 3 months now, its amazing how quickly the past 6 months have flown by!!