Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rolling, Food, Diapers, and Jillian Michaels...

So theres a lot to catch up on!

My phone hasn't been wanting to send the picture updates that I've been attempting to send, so we're picture-less right now.

Myles started rolling really from back to tummy on Sunday, and from there on, he was a steam roller! He can roll across the living room now and can wiggle his way about 90 degrees on his belly. He's started to push up on his feet with his booty in the air too! I think we'll have a crawler soon!! (I guess I better get on that baby-proofing the house thing!)

With rolling came the end of the swaddle...not so good. He does really well at night, but the day hasn't been fun, he is totally protesting naps, and while I really appreciate his right to assemble and protest, I would much rather enjoy a rested baby! I think we're going to get there soon, I hope! Unfortunately, there is so much literature out there about baby and sleeping habits, its hard to know what you're doing right or wrong or if you need to do more, do less, stand on your head, hold your breath, or what. I guess it takes time and patience, a lot of patience!

Myles started on rice cereal on March 12, when he turned 5 months. I like to give it to him because it is iron fortified, and I know that he doesn't really get iron from me. We tried a banana, but that didn't go over well, not sure if it was the taste or the texture, but either way, he wasn't exactly a fan, so I didn't push it. We'll try other solids later, I plan on doing some research on Child Lead Weaning too, before I go too far down the path of solids.

Diapering in our house started off with disposables when he was a tiny guy, then we moved to a combination of sposies and cloth (both fitteds, which require a cover, and all-in-one pocket-style diapers). We both liked the cloth diapers, I'm a fan of the pockets, they seem easier to me, but now Myles has grown out of the fitteds we had, and we're looking into getting a few more pockets for our stash. I'd like to exclusively cloth diaper, we like the idea of saving some money on disposables and we also like that cloth diapered babies tend to be potty trained earlier, which would be awesome! Stay tuned for out continued journey in cloth!

AND Jillian Michaels, I love her, I hate her, but she's going to get me 'Ripped in 30', thats right, I bought her new video, Ripped in 30, which is very similar to the 30 day shred, you do have an additional week (or option) of workouts and a downloadable meal plan to incorporate with your workouts. The workout thus far has been pretty intense, but do-able. At least its a 30 minute workout, which is much easier to incorporate into my day that a full blown 2 hour gym workout.

I started with my weight loss in January as part of a 'Biggest Loser' style challenge. I ended up winning the challenge! (Go me!) But more important, I lost 21 pounds in 10 weeks! That for me is amazing! And now, I weigh less than I did before getting pregnant. During that time, I was making better decisions with eating and working out a little each day, usually doing Zumba in our living room with the Kinect for XBox. I've never really been one to workout in the house, I never had the motivation or the desire to workout at home, but I did this time, and I must say that Zumba is an amazing way to start a workout habit when you don't really have a good one. Zumba is working out for people who hate to workout but like to have a good time. Last night was my first actual Zumba class, and it was fun and a different energy, but it was fun! I can't wait to go again! So Jillian and Zumba will get me looking great for the summer!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I think we're getting some teeth sometime in the near future. I attempted to post a picture of my cutie pie nawing away at something, but it didn't post for some odd reason! I try and try to feel in his mouth for a nub or something, but to no avail. Right now we just have drool, drool, everything in the mouth, a little more fussiness, a little less sleep, and did I mention drool??

I guess that teething has affected his sleep, because now we're up 2-3 times a night!! Lets hope this passes quickly!