Friday, January 21, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

When I was pregnant with Myles, J and I had a lot of decisions to make, some small (what to eat for dinner), some huge (where to have him), and everywhere in between. I was just thinking about some of those decisions, and thought that I'd share some.

What kind of birth we wanted: We liked the idea of a natural birth. I knew that I wanted to look into all our possible options, J was not comfortable at all with a home birth. He didn't feel like it was secure even though some of our friends had successful home births in the past. We looked into the birth center, and liked it...we got our natural birth, we were next door to the hospital, and we had the more secure feeling that we wanted.

Diapering: We kicked around the idea of cloth vs. disposable for a while. We both were cloth diapered at some point, and liked the idea of saving long term money, something easy on the baby's skin, and something good for the environment. I did a lot of research and we bought a bunch of different styles of cloth. We also were given some disposables (which were amazing to use in the first few weeks). We still diaper using both. Sometimes Myles's skin will appear to need a break from cloth and I'll put him in a disposable or vice versa (or I may just need to wash the diapers!). But, all in all, cloth has worked out well for us and its something we want to continue to help him learn better to potty train in the future (another added bonus!)

Name: We really didn't discuss a name, we just knew that this would be Myles. We talked about the spelling a bit, and kicked around a few middle names (we decided on Philip, J's parents' last name). We decided that all of our children will have family names as middle names and original first names. (the next one will have a middle name from my family).

Those are just a few, but it was on my mind, I thought that I'd share.

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