Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Slacker....thats me!

Ok, so I have been a major slacker in blogging, I realize this, and I'm sorry!

A lot has happened since the last post, my belly is getting a lot bigger, I flew across the country, and back, and some other fun stuff. (I'll post pictures later!)

My mom and I went to California to see Liz (my middle sister). She left us about a year ago to go to San Diego to become a Doctor or something like that....I'm still a little bit bitter that she decided to leave the land of humidity and mosquitos for the lovely 70 degree everyday, beautiful scenery of San Diego. I still love her though! We had a lot of fun exploring the beautiful landscapes of cliffs that overlook the ocean, the surfers, the houses, Ikea, Lowe's (well the last two are things you can do just about anywhere!). I also had my first experience with In and Out Burger...yum! We got a cat for Liz, that she later named Diego (his name was Mike, but we decided that Mike was just not right for him). Diego is going to be a fun cat for Liz, he is so affectionate and curious, I'm sure there will be many, many Diego stories to come!

We also got a peek at baby Myles while we were there. It was awesome having Liz do an ultrasound. The little guy was kicking, and moving his hands, opening his mouth and all kinds of fun stuff! It was an awesome experience, and we also got to confirm that he is in fact a boy!

While I was gone, Josh put up Myles's crib and started getting his room together. It was so awesome to see it when I got back!

The next weekend we went to hypnobirthing classes. Hypnobirthing marries hypnotherapy and child birth preparation classes. We practice relaxation techniques just about every night to prepare for the big day...birthing day, we just shy of 3 months now, its amazing how quickly the past 6 months have flown by!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

15 weeks!

Time has been going by somewhat quickly, at times I think, wow, 15 weeks, and then the next minute its like, why can't I just go to the midwife and hear that precious heartbeat again?!?

So I guess I will entertain myself by taking several pictures of my big belly.... and I'll share!

Around 8ish weeks.

13 weeks

15 weeks (excuse the messy mirror pic!) I really feel like this one is bigger than I really am in real life, maybe its just the angle? or maybe its just a big belly!

Our appointment next week is Wednesday, we'll get to hear the precious little heartbeat again!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Houston, we have a heartbeat...

Yesterday Josh and I went to the Charleston Birth Place for our 12 week appointment. We watched a video about emotions in pregnancy, and guess what? Pregnant women have mood swings...ya don't say! (Like Mom says, I have an excuse now!) I really actually haven't had too many mood swings, at least I don't think I have.

I've actually been really blessed that things haven't been too hard for me during this pregnancy, very little sickness, I'm tired more than anything really. I did start getting headaches recently, so I did address this with the midwife, and she gave me some ideas on how to deal with them.

After we talked with the midwife for a bit, went over test results (all good). They did mention that my iron was bit low, and for a fun fact of the day....strawberries are a good form of natural iron, and we all know that strawberry season is quickly approaching, this made me happy!!

We then went in the exam room, where Judy listened, using the doppler for the heartbeat. It took a few minutes, (well it felt like a few minutes at least). There was a bunch of sound, and then, a tiny, fast heartbeat. We were happy. Mr. J says it sounded like a little factory in there. Judy says that we're mearsuring in the 160s, and that is good and normal.

We go back again in 4 weeks, and then after that in 4 weeks (when we'll get an ultrasound!!).

We are happy, excited, anxious, and thankful....very, very thankful!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First Appointment

We had our first appointment at The Charleston Birth Place on Monday. Mr. J and I met there, got some literature and talked with the midwives a bit. They did an exam, took some blood, took some urine and said that they would call me if there was anything that came up or they would go over everything at the next appointment, so no big news.

I must say though, that the staff and atmosphere of the Birth Place, is awesome. Its such a comfortable environment, I am completely comfortable with the care that we're receiving there (even if they do give me homework!) Our next appointment will be at 12 weeks (on March 23rd).

We have also opted to have some early genetic testing done, which means an early ultrasound to make sure that Baby J is growing strong and healthy, and we may opt for a few other minor tests too. The Birth Place put in a referral to the University Medical Center, and we will be getting an appointment there between 11 and 13 weeks.

Within the past few days, I was reminded that I'm in an interracial couple. Now, I know that this sounds crazy for me to be reminded of this. I see my husband each and every day, and yes, his skin is significantly darker than mine, but to me, he is my Mr. J. When I see him I don't see dark skin, I see the most handsome man that God made for me. Even living in the south, I haven't been reminded that people think its wrong or that its different, I guess I just have some of the most awesome friends that see us for us, and not for the color of our skin. I love our support system here! (even though I miss my family like crazy sometimes!)

I will be interested to see what Baby J looks like, what features of both of us that he/she has, but I think that would be normal for any expecting couple.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some of my work..

So, I thought that I would post some pictures of my work. Thats kinda the 'paint' portion of the blog. So, here's to hoping that I can get these pictures to post correctly.

This I made for cutie pie Sarai, it was a gift for two great friends when they had her. I think its still in her room, she'll be a year old soon, and I should really get around to see her again soon!

This one I made for a coworker's granddaughter. I also realize that the picture is more clear than Sarai's.

Here, I painted the walls of my friend's nursery. We painted the walls shortly before the little one came! Its hard to tell by the picture, but the walls are a light green, the swirls are brown. I also did the prints that are in the middle of the wall. I'll post a better picture of them later, but I think that they are on my phone and not the camera.

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my work!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Still early

Today was the first day in South Carolina that we've seen snow, of course its a Saturday! I really enjoyed it though, just pretty to look at. I'd say that there were about 2-3 inches at our place. Now about 75-85% of all of the snow is melted though.

I guess this part of my blog will be about love. See, in Love, Mr. J and I have created something awesome, something amazing, something from God. Thats right, if you haven't guessed it, or didn't already know, we're having a baby! The baby is due October 3, 2010. I have a few friends that are betting on October 2nd and trying to persuade Baby J into coming a day early. (We'll see what really ends up happening). Right now, I'm right at 7 weeks pregnant...still early yet.

We have one more week until our first Dr. appointment. We'll be going to see the midwives at the Charleston Birth Place. We already went to an orientation there, and really enjoy the atmosphere of the facility, they have amazing birthing suites that come with huge birthing tubs. We're planning on doing a water birth for the baby, we're also really excited about that too!

As of right now, thats all, I do have some more art to work on, for another pregnant friend of mine, so I'll post pictures of them when I'm done with all of it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 1

Today is the first day of blogging. For a while now, I thought 'what do I have to blog about', but I decided that I'd go ahead and do it, hey, I have an awesome husband, I love to cook, and recently started painting and crafting again, so that should be what my blog is about mostly.