Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some of my work..

So, I thought that I would post some pictures of my work. Thats kinda the 'paint' portion of the blog. So, here's to hoping that I can get these pictures to post correctly.

This I made for cutie pie Sarai, it was a gift for two great friends when they had her. I think its still in her room, she'll be a year old soon, and I should really get around to see her again soon!

This one I made for a coworker's granddaughter. I also realize that the picture is more clear than Sarai's.

Here, I painted the walls of my friend's nursery. We painted the walls shortly before the little one came! Its hard to tell by the picture, but the walls are a light green, the swirls are brown. I also did the prints that are in the middle of the wall. I'll post a better picture of them later, but I think that they are on my phone and not the camera.

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my work!

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