Saturday, February 13, 2010

Still early

Today was the first day in South Carolina that we've seen snow, of course its a Saturday! I really enjoyed it though, just pretty to look at. I'd say that there were about 2-3 inches at our place. Now about 75-85% of all of the snow is melted though.

I guess this part of my blog will be about love. See, in Love, Mr. J and I have created something awesome, something amazing, something from God. Thats right, if you haven't guessed it, or didn't already know, we're having a baby! The baby is due October 3, 2010. I have a few friends that are betting on October 2nd and trying to persuade Baby J into coming a day early. (We'll see what really ends up happening). Right now, I'm right at 7 weeks pregnant...still early yet.

We have one more week until our first Dr. appointment. We'll be going to see the midwives at the Charleston Birth Place. We already went to an orientation there, and really enjoy the atmosphere of the facility, they have amazing birthing suites that come with huge birthing tubs. We're planning on doing a water birth for the baby, we're also really excited about that too!

As of right now, thats all, I do have some more art to work on, for another pregnant friend of mine, so I'll post pictures of them when I'm done with all of it.

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